This blog features the current woodcraft, Art and Graphic work of David Stanley.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I've finished 'Eager to Learn' and made the frame. I will soon begin the blog on my first welsh love-spoon commission starting with the preliminary sketch and alterations leading up to a final design.
Here is a full view of 'Eager to Learn' showing the frame made from Eucalyptus viminalis, textured with gouge cuts, stained with potassium permanganate, the high edges of the gouge marks rubbed back a little with rotten stone on an alcohol dampened rag and finished with wax.
I live in semi-retirement at Penrith, in New South Wales, Australia.
I've been a draftsman, biological illustrator, primary teacher for 2 years, educational materials illustrator for 30 years and a children's book illustrator.
Thankfully, circumstances and health, enable woodcrafts to be a passionate interest of mine, including love-spoon carving and pyrography.
Though passionate about woodcrafts, inspired by the craftsmanship of others and enjoying the friendship of woodworkers in groups I belong to, these things, in which I greatly delight, are merely appended to life, not life itself.
The logo of the church I belong to ( Glenmore Park Anglican Church ) states 'There's More to Life' – and there is! I have been propelled and compelled to the certain conviction that real life, is relationship with Jesus the Messiah, who is the one and only saviour of the world. God the Son, able to reconcile us to the Father, for our eternal enjoyment of Him, after God himself, has caused us to trust in and belong to his Son Jesus, the Christ.
– Ask for it, it's free! Though at His own immeasurable cost, as an unfathomable, and extravagant gift.
I'm going to declare you a National Treasure, David Stanley!
ReplyDeleteMarian Kelly